August 12th, 2016

Post date: Aug 12, 2016 4:10:58 PM

Hi Pack 39,

I trust you've all had an enjoyable summer! I have just a couple notes to mention and then my regular weekly posts will kick-off this coming Monday.

Pack 39 will have a booth at Marshdale's Back-to-School Ice Cream Social on Wednesday August 17th from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. We would love it if some of the Scouts could wear their full Class A uniform or at least their Class B shirts to the event. Have the Scouts encourage their friends to join scouts and bring them by the table to hang out for a bit and play a little Hockey Box!

Our first Pack Meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, August 30th, starting at 6:30 PM (NOTE THE EARLIER START TIME). This is our annual "Join Night," where we will have entertainment for the boys so the Leaders can meet with any new families and answer questions. If you know of friends/family who would enjoy our Scouting program, encourage them to attend this meeting - they do not have to attend Marshdale to join our Pack. We should also have our new supply of Class B shirts available at this meeting.

As is the case every year, popcorn sales begin as soon as the school year does. Our Popcorn Kernel, John Hansen, will be sharing some information with us at the meeting on the 30th and handing out packets so the boys can start selling. Show & Sells will be beginning in September, and a sign-up link will be provided soon. Remember that if you meet the minimum popcorn sales goal (amount to be announced), you won't have to pay any Scout dues at re-charter time!

That's it for now - we hope to see you Wednesday night and on the 30th!