Tiger Trail
The Tiger Trail (getting started)
The first step on the Tiger Trail is to complete the requirements for the Bobcat Badge. The Bobcat Trail is outlined at the beginning of every handbook in Cub Scouts. Once completed and reported to your Den Leader, the Bobcat Badge will be awarded at the next Monthly Pack Meeting.
Note: There are no performance requirements for completing tasks. Simply participating and doing one's best in an activity constitutes completion.
Note: Once a Bobcat, always a Bobcat... Once he earns his Bobcat Badge he can skip it in other handbooks as he advance through the ranks.
The Tiger Trail (the program)
In order to earn the Tiger Badge, a Cub Scout must complete the following requirements:
Complete each of the following Tiger required adventures with your den or family:
Backyard Jungle
Games Tigers Play
My Family’s Duty to God
Team Tiger
Tiger Bites
Tigers in the Wild
Complete one Tiger elective adventure of your den or family’s choosing.
With your parent or adult partner, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide, and earn the Cyber Chip award for your age.
Once an adventure is completed and reported to your Den Leader, the Cub Scout is awarded the adventure's belt loop at the next Pack meeting.
After completing these requirements, the Cub Scout is awarded his Tiger Badge at a Pack meeting.
Note: If your family does not have Internet access at home AND you do not have ready Internet access at school or another public place or via a mobile device, the Cyber Chip portion of requirement 3 may be waived by the Cub Scout's parent or adult partner.
Note: Some of these activities are done at home and signed off by the parent after the boy has completed the task. The handbook should be shown to the Den Leader - who records and tracks his progress..
Required Tiger Adventures
Backyard Jungle
Take a 1-foot hike. Make a list of the living things you find on your 1-foot hike.
Point out two different kinds of birds that live in your area
Be helpful to plants and animals by planting a tree or other plant in your neighborhood.
Build and hang a birdhouse.
With your adult partner, go on a walk, and pick out two sounds you hear in your “jungle.
Games Tigers Play
Do the following:
Play two initiative or team-building games with the members of your den.
Listen carefully to your leader while the rules are being explained, and follow directions when playing.
At the end of the game, talk with the leader about what you learned when you played the game. Tell how you helped the den by playing your part.
Make up a game with the members of your den.
Make up a new game, and play it with your family or members of your den or pack.
Find out how being active is part of being healthy. While at a sporting event, ask a player or coach why he or she thinks it is important to be active.
Bring a nutritious snack to a den meeting. Share why you picked it and what makes it a good snack choice.
My Family's Duty to God
Complete requirement 1 and at least two from requirements 2–4.
With your adult partner, find out what duty to God means to your family.
Find out what makes each member of your family special.
With your family, make a project that shows your family’s beliefs about God.
Participate in a worship experience or activity with your family.
Team Tiger
List the different teams of which you are a part. With your den, make a den job chart that shows everyone doing something to help. As one of the den jobs, lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a den meeting.
Pick two chores you will do at home once a week for a month.
Make a chart to show three ways that members of your Tiger team are different from each other.
Do an activity to help your community or neighborhood team.
Tiger Bites
Identify three good food choices and three foods that would not be good choices.
Show that you know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable. Eat one of each.
With your adult partner, pick a job to help your family at mealtime. Do it every day for one week.
Show you can keep yourself and your personal area clean.
Talk with your adult partner about what foods you can eat with your fingers. Practice your manners when eating them.
With your adult partner, plan and make a good snack choice or other nutritious food to share with your den.
With your adult partner, name and collect the Cub Scout Six Essentials you need for a hike. Tell your den leader what you would need to add to your list if it rains. Go for a short hike with your den or family, and carry your own gear. Show you know how to get ready for this hike.
Do the following:
Listen while your leader reads the Outdoor Code. Talk about how you can be clean in your outdoor manners.
Listen while your leader reads the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids. Discuss why you should “Trash Your Trash.”
Apply the Outdoor Code and Leave No Trace Principles for Kids on your Tiger den and pack outings. After one outing, share what you did to demonstrate the principles you discussed.
While on the hike, find three different kinds of plants, animals, or signs that animals have been on the trail. List what you saw in your Tiger Handbook.
Participate in an outdoor pack meeting or pack camp out campfire. Sing a song and act out a skit with your Tiger den as part of the program.
Find two different trees and two different types of plants that grow in your area. Write their names in your Tiger Handbook.
Visit a nearby nature center, zoo, or another outside place with your family or den. Learn more about two animals, and write down two interesting things about them in your Tiger Handbook.
Elective Tiger Adventures
Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries
Learn a magic trick. Practice your magic trick so you can perform it in front of an audience.
Create an invitation to a magic show.
With your den or with your family, put on a magic show for an audience.
Create a secret code.
With the other Scouts in your den or with your family, crack a code that you did not create.
Spell your name using sign language, and spell your name in Braille.
With the help of your adult partner, conduct a science demonstration that shows how magic works.
Share what you learned from your science demonstration.
Bring in and share with your den five items that are the color orange.
Demonstrate loyalty over the next week at school or in your community. Share at your next den meeting how you were loyal to others.
With your adult partner, decide on one new task you can do to help your family, and do it.
Talk with your den and adult partner about polite language. Learn how to shake hands properly and introduce yourself.
Play a game with your den. Then discuss how your den played politely.
With your adult partner and den, work on a service project for your pack’s meeting place or chartered organization.
Family Stories
Discuss with your adult partner and/or family where your family originated. Discuss their history,
traditions, and culture—your family heritage. Share a story or bring something to share with your den about yourself and your family.Make a family crest.
Visit your public library to find out information about your heritage.
Interview one of your grandparents or another family elder, and share with your den what you found.
Make a family tree.
Share with your den how you got your name or what your name means.
Share with your den your favorite snack or dessert that reflects your cultural heritage.
Learn where your family came from, and locate it on a map. Share this information with your den. With the help of your adult partner, locate and write to a pen pal from that location.
Floats and Boats
Identify five different types of boats.
Build a boat from recycled materials, and float it on the water.
With your den, say the SCOUT water safety chant.
Play the buddy game with your den.
Show that you can put on and fasten a life jacket the correct way.
Show how to safely help someone who needs assistance in the water, without having to enter the water yourself.
Show how to enter the water safely, blow your breath out under the water, and do a prone glide.
Good Knights
Do the following:
With your den or adult partner, say the Scout Law. Explain to your den one of the 12 points of the Law and why you think a knight would have the same behavior.
If you have not already done so, make a code of conduct with your den that will describe how each person should act when you are all together. If your den has a code of conduct, discuss with your den the updates it might need. Vote on which actions should go in your den code of conduct.
Create a den shield and a personal shield.
Using recycled materials, design and build a small castle with your adult partner to display at the pack meeting.
Think of one physical challenge that could be part of an obstacle course. Then help your den design a Tiger Knight obstacle course. With your adult partner, participate in the course.
Participate in a service project.
Rolling Tigers
With your den or adult partner, discuss two different types of bicycles and their uses.
With your den or adult partner, try on safety gear you should use while riding your bike. Show how to wear a bicycle helmet properly.
With your den or adult partner, learn and demonstrate safety tips to follow when riding your bicycle.
Learn and demonstrate proper hand signals.
With your den or adult partner, do a safety check on your bicycle.
With your den or family, go on a bicycle hike wearing your safety equipment. Follow the bicycling safety and traffic laws.
Learn about a famous bicycle race or famous cyclist. Share what you learn with your den.
Visit your local or state police department to learn about bicycle-riding laws.
Identify two jobs that use bicycles.
Sky Is the Limit
With your den or adult partner, go outside to observe the night sky. Talk about objects you see or might see.
Look at a distant object through a telescope or binoculars. Show how to focus the device you chose.
Observe in the sky or select from a book or chart two constellations that are easy to see in the night sky. With your adult partner, find out the names of the stars that make up the constellation and how the constellation got its name. Share what you found with your den.
Create and name your own constellation. Share your constellation with your den.
Create a homemade constellation.
Find out about two different jobs related to astronomy. Share this information with your den.
Find out about two astronauts who were Scouts when they were younger. Share what you learned with your den.
With your den or family, visit a planetarium, observatory, science museum, astronomy club, or college or high school astronomy teacher. Before you go, write down questions you might want to ask. Share what you learned.
Stories in Shapes
Visit an art gallery or a museum, explore an art website, or visit your library. Do each of the following:
Look at pictures of some abstract art with your den or family. Decide what you like about the art, and share your ideas with the other Tigers.
Create an art piece.
Do the following:
Draw or create an art piece using shapes.
Use tangrams to create shapes.
Complete 1–3 and one from 4–6. Play at least two different games by yourself; one may be a video game.
Play a board game or another inside game with one or more members of your den.
Play a problem-solving game with your den.
With your parent’s or guardian’s permission:
Play a video game with family members in a family tournament.
List at least three tips that would help someone who was learning how to play your favorite video game.
Play an appropriate video game with a friend for 30 minutes.
With other members of your den, invent a game, OR change the rules of a game you know, and play the game.
Play a team game with your den.
Tiger: Safe and Smart
Do the following:
Memorize your address, and say it to your den leader or adult partner.
Memorize an emergency contact’s phone number, and say it to your den leader or adult partner.
Take the 911 safety quiz.
Do the following:
Show you can “Stop, Drop, and Roll.”
Show you know how to safely roll someone else in a blanket to put out a fire.
Make a fire escape map with your adult partner.
Explain your fire escape map, and try a practice fire drill at home.
Find the smoke detectors in your home. With the help of your adult partner, check the batteries.
Visit an emergency responder station, or have an emergency responder visit you.
Tiger Tag
Choose one active game you like, and tell your den about it.
Do the following:
Play two relay games with your den and your adult partner.
Tell your partner or the other Tigers what you liked best about each game.
Have your den choose a relay game that everyone would like to play, and play it several times.
With your adult partner, select an active outside game that you could play with the members of your den. Talk about your game at the den meeting. With your den, decide on a game to play.
Play the game that your den has chosen. After the game, discuss with your den leader the meaning of being a good sport.
Tiger Tales
Create a tall tale with your den.
Create your own tall tale. Share your tall tale with your den.
Read a tall tale with your adult partner.
Create a piece of art from a scene in the tall tale you have read, using your choice of materials. Share it with your den.
Play a game from the past.
Sing two folk songs.
Visit a historical museum or landmark with your adult partner.
Tiger Theater
With your den, discuss the following types of theater: puppet shows, reader’s theater, and pantomime.
As a den, play a game of one-word charades with your adult partners.
Make a puppet to show your den or display at a pack meeting.
Perform a simple reader’s theater. Make a mask afterward to show what your character looks like.
Watch a play or attend a story time at a library.
Tigers in the Wild
Earning Your Stripes