Flag Ceremony
There are many different ways to do a flag ceremony. For consistency within our Pack, we have included the ones below. (You may also access these in the attached files at the bottom of this page).
Scout Oath. On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the ScoutLaw; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
The Scout Law is: “ A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Opening Flag Ceremony:
May I have your attention, please
[Wait until the audience gets quiet before proceeding.]
Audience, please rise
Color guard, advance – Scouts Salute
[The US flag is marched on the right and shown proper respect by being saluted while in motion.]
[When the colors reach the front of the audience,]
Color guard, halt
Color guard, post the colors
[The US flag crosses in front of the Pack flag and gets placed in its stand first (to the right of the speaker). The Pack flag is then placed in its stand. Color guards step back a pace and salute.]
Please join me in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
[Start reciting the Pledge.]
[Scouts drop their salute.]
Color guard, return to ranks
[Color posters join guard and all march toward back of the room.]
[When they reach the back of the audience,]
Color Guard, halt
Color guard, at ease – Audience, at ease
Closing Flag Ceremony:
May I have your attention please
[Wait until the audience gets quiet before proceeding.]
Audience, please rise
Color guard, advance
[When they reach the front of the audience,]
Color guard, halt
Color guard, retrieve the colors
[The first Scout in each line proceeds to the flags; the others remain in line.]
[Just before the flags are taken from their stands,]
Scouts Salute!
[The flag is saluted while in motion to show respect.]
Color guard, return to ranks
[Color guard walks to the back of the room with the flags.]
[When they reach the back of the audience,]
Color guard, halt
[Scouts stop saluting]
Color guard, dismissed – Audience, dismissed